Elect Team Ignite at the 2023 OFL Convention

Endorsements – Team Ignite

Education is at the heart of what we do: as workers in Ontario’s schools and as a union, building worker power to fight for what we need.

Team Ignite has shown their commitment to organize, build and win for Ontario workers. And that is why the 55,000 education worker members of the Ontario School Boards Council of Unions endorse Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, and Jackie Taylor for the leadership of the Ontario Federation of Labour with unreserved enthusiasm and pride.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), we are very pleased to endorse the following members of Team Ignite for election at the 2023 Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) Convention: Laura Walton (CUPE) for OFL President; Ahmad Gaied (UFCW) for OFL Secretary-Treasurer, and Jackie Taylor (USW) for OFL Executive Vice-President.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 353 is proud to be an active part of the Labour Movement in Ontario. We know that it is through working together collectively as a movement - in solidarity that we can achieve the best results for the people of this province.

The members of Team Ignite are all exemplary advocates of workers' rights. Their unwavering commitment to fair wages, safe working conditions, and social justice is truly inspiring. As dedicated labour leaders, they have proven time and again that they are willing to fight for the betterment of our movement. UNITE HERE Local 75 wholeheartedly endorses Laura Walton for President, Ahmad Gaied for Secretary-Treasurer, and Jackie Taylor for Executive Vice-President at the Ontario Federation of Labour.

We are happy to provide our full support to you and am confident that you will all be successful at the upcoming OFL Convention. We look forward to working with you in the coming months and recognizing the importance of rural labour councils.

As workers in the entertainment industry, the IATSE has a keen understanding of the necessary  hard work that goes on behind the scenes in order for any production to be a success. Team  Ignite, consisting of Laura Walton (running for President), Ahmad Gaied (running for Secretary Treasurer), and Jackie Taylor (running for Executive Vice-President), has a long history of  undertaking that very work. The public face of the work that they do forms only a small part of their  efforts.  

The Brantford & District Labour Council is happy to endorse Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, and Jackie Taylor from Team Ignite. Their proven leadership in our Labour Movement, their responsiveness to the issues and challenges of today, and their steadfast support for working people and the intersectionality of our work will be tremendous assets for the OFL and the people of Ontario. 

The Society of United Professionals is proud to be an active part of the Labour Movement in Ontario. We know that it is through working together collectively as a movement – in solidarity – that we are able to achieve the best results for the people of this province. 

For the Labour Movement to be its most effective, we need a strong Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) at its head. The Society is a proud and active member of Canada’s largest labour federation, and we have seen first-hand how important it is for the OFL to have strong leadership.

The Amalgamated Transit Union Canada (ATU Canada) is proud to endorse Team Ignite – Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, and Jackie Taylor – as the next Leadership team of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL).

The three candidates have a clear vision and plan to ignite the labour movement to organize, build, and win gains for workers across Ontario.

“The future looks bright with Team Ignite! The team’s experience, commitment, and dedication in defending workers’ rights makes Team Ignite a force to be reckoned with,” said ATU Canada President, John Di Nino.

The Provincial Executive of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) are pleased to announce their endorsement of Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, and Jackie Taylor - Team Ignite - as the next Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) Leadership team.

“I am proud to endorse Team Ignite; they have a vision for our labour movement that will put workers first,” said OSSTF/FEESO President Karen Littlewood. “I know they will fight against privatization of our public education and health care systems and ensure we have more equitable and healthier communities. I am looking forward to the OFL elections and to working with them.”

The challenges facing workers in Ontario are considerable – and CUPE Ontario members are proud to support Team Ignite for the leadership of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) as the vanguard of working people across the province.

Corporate interests are mounting, benefiting from corrupt political leadership. They will be countered by an education worker, a grocery store clerk, and a community worker with a clear vision to organize workers, build power, and win critical gains. Laura Walton, Ahmad Gaied, and Jackie Taylor will bring fresh ideas and a new approach to the work of the OFL, renewing the million member organization.

We have worked with and alongside these leaders. We have seen them in communities and on picket lines. We know this is the visionary and dynamic team take our movement to a new level, defending and advancing the rights of working people across Ontario. 

The United Food and Commercial Workers and Ontario’s Local Unions proudly endorse Team Ignite for Leadership of the Ontario Federation of Labour! 

Team Ignite consists of Laura Walton, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) for President; Ahmad Gaied, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) for Secretary- Treasurer; and Jackie Taylor, United Steelworkers (USW) for Executive Vice President. 

“Team Ignite brings a wealth of talent to the leadership of the OFL,” says Wayne Hanley, President of UFCW Local 1006A. “I’m excited for what is to come. It is more important than ever that we have a united labour movement dedicated to fighting for a fair deal for all workers.” 

Team Ignite is committed to building solidarity and unity across the labour movement and working towards creating a strong and powerful labour movement. Workers are organizing, building, and winning. 

United Steelworkers (USW) District 6 is proud to endorse Team Ignite as the next leadership group at the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL). Team Ignite consists of our very own Woman of Steel and USW Local 9042 member Jackie Taylor for OFL Executive Vice-President, along with Laura Walton (Canadian Union of Public Employees/Ontario School Boards Council of Unions) for President and Ahmad Gaied (United Food and Commercial Workers) for Secretary-Treasurer. 

The OFL and its affiliates represent one million workers in Ontario, working in every sector possible. The organization has the tools to empower people to organize, build and win on behalf of all working people in Ontario.

A united labour movement is how we can build back from consecutive Ontario governments that have eroded workers’ rights in collective bargaining and health and safety, the ability of workers to join a union, and more. A united labour movement is Team Ignite’s priority!